The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida l Review

If you are looking for a self-help book, all you have to do is to simply type those terms into a search engine. Or, you could step into a bookstore. Either way, you will be able to find yourself inundated with books that will tell you how to improve yourself and your life.

There is a particular topic, however, that most authors fall woefully short on – Masculinity and forming relationships in the twenty-first century. This is because these books tend to look for answers in all the wrong places rather than getting to the heart of the matter.

Thankfully, there is one writer that has seemed to get it right. This is David Deida, author of The Way of the Superior Man.

Now most people are easily put off by the title, assuming it to be yet another book that tells men how to make lots of money, pump iron, and dress well. Rather than concentrating on superficial subjects, David Deida here has addressed some of the most important issues that men face in their lives. Particularly when it comes to the women.

One of the eye-opening facts about this book is that it takes a look at the problems that take place in each man’s life. At one point or another, every man has faced one or more, or all, of these dilemmas.

The Way of the Superior Man takes a hands-on approach to dealing with these critical issues.

The Way of The Superior Man Book Review

This book takes a look at both the spiritual and worldly aspects of dating in this era. It feeds not only the mind and body but also the soul.

If you are looking for the answers about how to take your life in a new direction, especially with relationships, then this is your bible.

Discover Your Passion

You have probably heard this time and time again from various people: “do what you love”.

Well, Deida emphasizes on this. He writes about the importance of seeking a purpose in your life. This is important for many reasons, but mainly because it impacts your relationships. Not only with your women but with your children.

Deida speaks about how women need to see that you are goal driven in your life. It is not about making more money or being rich; instead, you need to let your women know that you have a direction in life. That you have a purpose in life.

Women need to see that your actions are aligned with your goals. This is indicative of how you will be with them and what you will contribute to the life that you will lead together.

Deida stresses that finding where your passion lies is a vital first step to take. He advises taking some time to focus on what motivates you and to discover what you love.

The Way of The Superior Man is for the intellectuals, it’s a work of deep philosophy.

Create the Right Equilibrium in the Relationship

Deida also talks about the importance of clearly defined roles in the relationship. This relates to the masculine component of the man. As a man, you first need to know how to fulfill your role.

Deida stresses about how the only way women can relax in a relationship and take the feminine role is if you have taken on the masculine part. This way, a balance is created in the relationship. The man plays his part and the woman plays hers.

Face the Challenges

The way of the superior man review

No relationship is exempt from challenges. Many men like to refer to these barriers as ‘drama’. Rather than avoiding this drama or rising to the bait, Deida talks about the importance of finding a new way to deal with it.

He exemplifies that disagreements and arguments are not always about the topic at hand. Rather, these heated discussions are about the woman’s need to be treasured and loved.

It is not about problem-solving or even trying to wind up the discussion. It is about showing the woman in your life that you are there for her and that you are paying attention to what she is saying.

Address the Physical, Not Just the Emotional

At the end of the day, a relationship is not just about the emotions, it is also about the physical interactions between two people. As such, Deida emphasizes on preparing yourself sexually as much as you do mentally.

Deida does not leave you hanging, however. He eloquently expresses his ideas about how to regulate your sexual energy. Also, he explains ‘why’ and ‘how’ to prolong your orgasms. 

The Way of the Superior Man has done better than any other titles in creating a complete picture about masculinity and relationships.

While it may not answer all of your questions, it does work hard to focus on some very important aspects of life, that as a man you must master. All in all, this book is a handy guide for getting you started in the right direction.

Let me be very clear about it, you will not get you what you want, but it will open your eyes to several things that you may not have considered before about relationships and women.

Why read – The Way of The Superior Man

  1. To understand masculine energy.
  2. To understand feminine energy.
  3. To live a confusion-free life.
  4. And to become a SUPERIOR MAN.

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